Sunday, May 28, 2006

Breakaway, Backdown ~ Part Three

Here's Part Three of "Breakaway, Backdown" a one act play adapted from the story of the same name. The story first appeared in Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine in June, 1996. "Breakaway, Backdown" the play has had several productions, but in February 2006 I was able to capture an excellent one in sound. This is the New Hampshire Theatre Project production, starring the late Lisa Richardson and directed by Genevieve Aichele. It is in three parts. Time 12:41.73. File Size: 5.96mb

For photos of Lisa on stage, click here
photo by Meghann Beauchamp


Kurt Bergeron said...

Dear James,
I can't tell you how happy I was to find this site. I don't know if you are aware, and you if you are not, then I apologize for the news reaching you so late, but we lost Lisa Richardson on December 19, 2006. Lisa was performing in several shows when she was struck down by an unoperable brain tumor that no one new about until she was taken to the hospital 10 days till the end. I am someone, an actor, who still, like yourself was enchanted by Lisa's spirit and performances. A scholarship has been created in her name for other actors graduating from her high school. I am in the process of developing a DVD for friends, family, and scholarship recipients, to keep the memory of Lisa alive. With your permission, I would like to include clips and audio of Breakaway on the DVD. I don't know what I need to do to obtain the entire audio that you have here on your site, but I would sincerely treasure it. Please feel free to email me or call anytime.
yours sincerely,
Kurt Bergeron
cell: 978 609 1008

Kurt Bergeron said...

I apologize, was thinking ahead of myself. Lisa's passing came on November 19th, 2006 at 9:30am. Again, my apologies for the misinformation.